menari dengan energi. . . Itu yg selalu ada dalam benak . . . Jiwa mengalun bak kelopak kelopak mawar yg menari-nari . . . Mengalunkan emosi bersama energi. . . Ya . . Yg ku tau itu adalah energiNya. . . . Energi Sang Maha Cinta beserta sang kekasihnya. . . Alunan ini yg membuatku merasa tenang. . . Terbuai. . . Dipelukan hujan. . . Hujan namaMU dan kekasihMU . . Salam cintaku selalu. .
بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
Selasa, 08 November 2016
Rabu, 23 Maret 2016
Link Beasiswa Dalam Negeri dan Luar Negeri
Alamat Situs Web dan Lembaga Pemberi Beasiswa
Berikut alamat beserta sistus web sejumlah lembaga pemberi beasiswa.
1. Australia Award Scholarship (
2. LPDP Scholarship (
3. DIKTI Scholarship
a) Dalam Negeri (
b) Luar Negeri (
4. Turkey Government Scholarship (
5. General Cultural Scholarship India (
6. USA Government Scholarship
a) (
b) (
7. Netherland Government Scholarship (
8. Korean Government Scholarship (
9. Belgium Government Scholarship (
10. Israel Government Scholarship (
11. Science Po France (
12. Utrecht University Netherland (
13. Prasetya Mulya Business School Indonesia (
14. Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship (
15. Monbugakusho Scholarship Japan Scholarship (
16. Paramadina University Master Fellowship Indonesia (
17. PPM School of Management Indonesia (
18. University of Twente Netherland (
19. Sweden Government Scholarship (
20. Chinese Government Scholarship (
21. Taiwan Government Scholarship (
22. United Kingdom Government Scholarship (
23. Panasonic Scholarship Japan (
24. Ancora Foundation Scholarship (
25. Asian Public Intellectuals Fellowship Japan (
26. AUN/SEED-Net Scholarship (
27. Art Asia Major Scholarship Korea National University of Art (htt://
28. Ritsumeikan Asia Pasific University Japan (
29. Seoul National University Korea (
30. DIKTIS Overseas Scholarship (
31. Honjo International Scholarship Foundation Japan (
32. IDB Merit Scholarship Programme for High Technology (
33. International HIV & Drug Use Fellowship USA (
34. Nitori International Scholarship Foundation Japan (
35. School of Government and Public Policy Indonesia (
36. Inpex Scholarship Foundation Japan
37. Asia University Taiwan (
38. Macquaire University Australia (
(Eriyanti Nurmala Dewi, dari berbagai sumber in Pikiran Rakyat Rubrik Kampus hlm.23 Kamis, 30/7/2015)
Selasa, 26 Januari 2016
A Bit in A Blue
Selasa, 7 Agustus 2012

Ini bukan mimpi, bukan cerita, bukan juga adegan dalam tv, dan bukan sebuah ilusi.
Hari Minggu, 15 Juli 2012. Seusai aku mengantar Yenny ke kosan temanya di Yogya aku langsung bergegas pulang ke Menganti Cilacap. Begitu gelisah aku di dalam mobil, karena waktu berangkatpun aku sudah bertekat untuk tidak lama-lama di Yogya.
Sekitar jam 20.30 WIB aku sampai di menganti di rumah bulik. Seperti biasa langsung kucium tangan romo. Aku duduk di sebelahnya.
How to be Anti Plagiarism
Many students with their consciousness or with their unconsciousness do plagiarism. They always cheat they assignment to they friend or in fact they cheat while in the exam, that is an act of plagiarism that already exist in our educational system. They are people with no responsibility. How could we allow they do the wrong way. This behaviour can make student lazy and do not creative and further they do not become independent thinker. Hence, actually there are many ways to become anti plagiarism.
First, students must do their duty by themselves.
Believe It or Not this is My Story
Berawal dari cerita . . .
Raden Mas Brojo Waskitho & Hengkubuwono IX
Jenengan kiyai durung bisa dadi jaminan masuk soarga.
Yty Rahayu Sigelatikkembar
akhir-akhir ini mulai terasah kembali yang dulu sempat terbengkalai,,semoga bermanfaat :)
welcome back \(^_^)/
ternyata firasatku sebelumnya yaitu pada hari jum'at tentang kata-kata di atas mungkin adalah benar.
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