Kamis, 17 Juli 2014

Kalimat Sehari-hari 8

Aku belum ambil keputusan.
I haven't made up my mind yet.

Dia sudah berusaha keras tapi belum berhasil.
He has made effort all out, but he has not been successful.
Buku ini tidak ada lagi di toko.
This book has not been available on the shop.
This book is n longer exist in the book store.

Ribuan karyawan terancam PHK.
Thousand of employees are threatened to be laid off.
# Note : PHK dalam Bahasa Inggris laid off

Apakah kamu melakukan shalat lima waktu?
Do you perform daily five times prayer?
# Note : shalat lima waktu dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah daily five times prayyer.

Dia suka mengulur-ulur waktu.
He likes buying time.
He likes to try to buy time.
He always like buying time.

Dia seorang mualaf.
He is a moslem convert.

Anda kuliah di mana?
What college do you go to?

Berapa berat badanmu?
What is your wight?
# Note : g almost tanya nomor itu pake which lho... 

Silahkan kamu duluan, aku belakangan.
Please you first, I'll go latter.
Go ahead, I am behind you.

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